
.: Rice Bowl :.


.: today :: all entries :: email me :: love notes::me :.


.: Pu Pu Platter :.


.: photogs :: 176 things about me :: MySpace::Reviews:: design:: pattern:: d*land:.

.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: Sappy Love :.

He called. 3 times to be exact. I almost forgot how much he inspires me. How much he humbles my heart.

As figured, I was being extremely paranoid and psychotic. He called me as soon as he got back from this training thingy, and I missed his call, but he called back later on that same night. It was so good to hear his voice. It felt like home. All that I had needed was to hear him tell me that he loved me and was thinking about me and every insecurity dispersed into a million little pieces.

After our conversations, it just makes me realize how lucky I am and how stupid I let my imagination get. I think that I have a hard time believing that I am capable of having someone love me as much as he does. I don't see that spark or glow that he insists is what made him fall in love with me. I keep waiting for him to realize who I really am, but pray that he never will. He see's good in me, that ironically I am beginning to see myself. He is my serenity, and I fall more and more in love with him every day.

You seem to be so much more aware of life and its natural beauty when you are in love. You notice every little intricate detail. You can hear every beat in a song, every smile in a laugh. The air smells sweeter, and every day feels like the first day of Spring. Love is one of natures natural highs. Like any drug it can take you to the highest of highs and then in an instant bring you lower than you ever thought imaginable. I am directly responsible for all of my lows. All he has ever given me is all that he is. There is not one thing bad about that. Every negative thought that weighs on my mind is brought about by my own over-active imagination.

He has lightened my heart. And even though I am by myself right now, I don�t feel so alone. I am the luckiest woman in the world to find one of the few men out there that are truly a gift from God.

Would anyone like some wine with all of my cheese that has been provided????


.: 6:22 p.m. :.
.: February 19, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
