
.: Rice Bowl :.


.: today :: all entries :: email me :: love notes::me :.


.: Pu Pu Platter :.


.: photogs :: 176 things about me :: MySpace::Reviews:: design:: pattern:: d*land:.

.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: Drunk @ Work :.

There ain't nothin' like being drunk at work. For the past two days I have worked from 9 to 9 and we haven't had a single soul buy anything. So tonight, we thought we would change things up a bit...

Shots of Sambucca all around!!!! Hey, why not, not like we have done anything else productive. It's funny how liquor changes peoples inhabitions. I work with these people 80+ hours per week. I know some of them better than I know my own husband, but it is funny that you get one drink in them and wham! Whole new person emerges.

There is all kinds of fondling going on in the bull pen right now, so being myself, I felt the need to write to all of you! Keeping myself out of that whole situation all together...Some people do drunk calling, I do drunk typing. I'm sure tomorrow I will read this and think, "Huh?", but as for now it all makes sense. Try to follow. Maybe go grab a shot or two...

So, I was thinking today how I never read my own diary entries. What brought this about was the fact that I had my hubby finish his part of the "he said, she said" entry and realized, "hey, is there anything in here I may not want him to see?" And that is when I realized that I have never gone back and read my entries. Partially because I am too critical of myself, but aren't we all????

Then I realized that anything I have put in here, is free rein for him to explore. We don't have walls that we have built between the two of us. No secrets is our motto.

So, I went on a drunken tangent there. Let me try to regroup and catch back up...

Anyway, point being, I don't think I should read any of my entries. If I did, I know I would just edit them from their raw state. And techniacally speaking, that wouldn't be a diary now would it???

Shit, well I have to go cause I have to watch the phones and someone has to do a locate for a vehicle online, sooooooooo.....

Peace out, for now,


Sorry if I souned completely stupid. Little intoxicated.


.: 8:32 p.m. :.
.: August 12, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
