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.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: Infomercials and Puppies :.

Where the hell did this cold weather come from???

We went to the mall on Saturday night, which may I add I knew was a bad idea. When we got out of the car, the temp had dropped like 40 degrees! It was so damn cold, that we both had to buy new coats!

You know, I really think that I have an illness when it comes to shopping. Seriously. I need to be committed. It was Bobby's grand idea that we go to the mall on Saturday after work, since we are mall rats and haven't been there in over two months. I knew right off the bat it was a bad idea, but did I say no? Noooo....

$350 or so later...

What the hell did I even buy for that much? We did both get jackets from AE, a pair of pants, and a shirt. Then Bobby got the new Senses Fail cd. Hmmmm, what else? Hell, I can't even remember.

Well, the big thing I wanted to discuss this morning was infomercials. I was sucked in this morning at 6am watching "Mega Memory" thinking, "I must have this product. I, too, suffer from loss of memory." What is it about infomercials that make you feel like you can't live without the product? It can be the corniest piece of shit on the planet, but some reason, you have to have it.

Remember the "Perfect Pancake" and "HeatWave Oven"? Yeah, I have both of them. And the "Perfect Pancake", not so perfect. Anyway, as I watched this morning, I literally had to force myself to change the channel so I didn't call in my order for "Mega Memory." I need to do what the girl in that credit card commercial did and freeze my credit cards into a big block of ice. Nah, I'd get them out somehow. God, I suck....

Random thought...

It must suck to be a small dog.

We went to this art festival this weekend and we figured being that it was outside, we would bring Moose. Can I tell you how annoying it is having the cutest dog on the planet? People I have never seen before, felt the need to come over and pick him up and kiss him on his little head. Now, what if he was a furocious beast and bit you in the face? That wouldn't be my fault. Didn't your parents ever teach you not to touch strange animals? So, he may weigh 3lbs, but still, he could be....

And why is it that everyone needs to swing him in the air and make him "dance"? You can tell by the pathetic look on his face that he doesn't like it. So stop! Poor thing was so violated yesterday. He can't help it that he is so cute.

Now, I must admit, I am guilty of wanting to dress him up. However, I have refrained. Bobby insists that dogs don't enjoy to be dressed in tutu's and sweaters. But they just look so damn cute! Somehow, I think I will win this battle. Halloween is coming up soon and he would make an adorable little pixie.

Well, its about that time. Diane is waiting for me in the other room. I just hope its not another aerobic day. It hurts my boobs to jump all over the place like she does.

Have a peachy day!



.: 7:06 a.m. :.
.: September 20, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
