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.: The Coffee Mystery :.

Have you ever wondered if diaryland is a cult??? I don't normally have obsessive tendencies, however, all I ever want to do is get on this damn thing. I even find myself just staring at that stupid "Gold!" banner when there is nothing else for me to do. I am so pathetic....

Well, as you can see, it is 6:25am and yes, I am awake. Well, sort of. I'm awake, but my body doesn't know it yet. What is it about coffee that makes you have to poop? I use to think that it was just me, however this is not the case. Many people have brought it to my attention that they suffer from the same ailment.

Just this morning, Bobby was getting ready for work and I poured him a cup of coffe. "Oh, Sweetheart, I can't drink that this morning. I'll shit my brains out." Oh. Ok. Well, I guess its good to know that I'm not the only one.

I mean, does it have to do with the caffein? If so, then why doesn't Coke have the same affect on me? The funniest thing is, I still continue to drink 2 or 3 cups a day. Maybe I do have an addictive personality after all. I guess I should just add this to one of lifes little mysteries.

In other news...

Bobby is so funny. We had a conversation a few days ago about how he enjoys working in the "civilian" world. He said that "its a good feeling to know I can just quit, or kick my bosses ass." Well, technically yes, he could, but why he would want to, I just don't know.

So, last night he called me at work and said, "I am going to go get my first piercing tonight." Ok. When did this come about? He went on to explain that he has to keep up with his "rock star" appearance for when the band hits it big. Boys and their logic...

I found myself peeking around the corner of the tattoo booth last night at nine watching him get pierced. I hate to admit it, but it looks sexy as hell. He was tossed up between getting his tounge and labret, but ended up choosing the latter of the two. Its so funny because it was like watching your child get on the big kid school bus for the first time. We both have tattoos, I have several piercings, but I have never been with him while any were done. It was exhilerating. And what is it about tattoo parlors that just make you want to deface your body? I have to stay away from those places...

Now, I think I am more excited about his new piercing than he is. It may as well have been me that got pierced. He kept trying to cuddle with me last night and hitting his face into my head. Every once in a while you would just hear, "Shit! Ugh!!" It was kind of funny, actually.

In other, other news...

An update on yesterday mornings entry:

- The hiney is now fine, thanks to what ever miracle shit Bobby put on my ass. Just incase anyone was worried...

- Come to find out, I don't have a bladder infection (thank you to the man upstairs). I am wondering if it was anything to do with the hiney medicine. Hmm?

- The new layout must be a hit. I had more hits on my diary yesterday then I think I have in my entire diaryland exsistance. I guess its a keeper. Until I get bored...

- The dog is finally starting to go "potty" on the kitchen floor, rather than the carpet. Big improvement! At this point, I will take what I can get with the little rodent.

Oh, I signed up for my first revue yesterday with kickassrvue. I have always been curious about them, so I figured "what the hell." I like getting others opinions, so it should be fun. I'll keep ya posted.

Well, I think I will make myself some raisin toast and another cup of coffee. If that just doesn't have "poop your brains out" written all over it, I don't know what does!

Have a lovely day, my friends!


.: 6:25 a.m. :.
.: September 23, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
