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.: National "Don't Be A Beotch" Day :.

Being that this is my 200th entry, I thought I would write about something that I feel strongly about.This entry may offend some of you. You may agree with me. You may think that I am a babbling idiot, but you don't have to read it if that is the case. This is how I feel and how I preceive these
issues. So, with that said, let me vent...

After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that the female species is slowly becoming emotionally unbalanced in todays society. When you think back to when most of our parents were
younger, you never heard of them acting as immature and insecure as we do now a days. In the past month, I have experienced the feelings of animosity, jealousy, manipulation, and deceit all thanks to the hand of a female (not just one in particular). And why do I let other women affect me
this way you may ask? The answer is quite simple. Because I am a woman. For some reason, we have been created to be overly emotional, paranoid, insecure, creatures of nature that let everything bother us.

I have discussed this with some girlfriends of mine, and it seems that we are all in agreement. But what exactly is it about us that makes us this way? Is it society itself, or the media? At times, I wish I had the attitude and carefree demeanor of a man. Its as if they have this temperment switch that they can turn off and on at their own accord. They don't act petty and gossipy.

Now, I know that this all sounds very stereotypical, but think about it. Ask yourself if you have ever gone without experiencing any of these imbalances. Chances are you have. I just wish there was a way that we could pin point the route of the problem and nip it in the bud. I could most definately
do without the added drama in my life that I let happen. It affects our relationships, health, and

I am just as much to blame for this type of behavior as the next. Growing up, I have had my fair share of being that stereotypical female. I have done and said hurtful things. I have lied, and cheated, so I am by no means pointing fingers. I do however, like to think that all of those
experiences have made me a better woman today. People still have their thoughts about the "type" of person I am, but they are the people who have never truely gotten to know me. But, as for just being down right mean, I try to avoid playing that role in the drama game. Some women thrive on drama. Why? Wouldn't you much rather be happy than miserable all the time?

We are all responsible for our own actions and reactions. I just wish that we all weren't so petty and immature. Unfortunately, this is the way it is. I don't think that we will ever be able to completely change our ways. There will always be that girl who is prettier that makes us feel
insecure. There will always be that person that tries to take pleasure in your hardships. There will always be that person who has to put you down to make themself feel better. We just have to decide whether or not we are going to take it and bring us down.

Come on, ladies! Just for one day, lets not fit into that stereotype. Instead of saying something negative or doing something to purposely hurt someone else, just zip it. We all deserve a little bit of happiness. Why not let that day be today? Here's to us!


.: 11:50 a.m. :.
.: December 30, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
