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.: Love Stinks! :.

Valentines Day is so over rated.

As most holidays, V-day is another that has gotten completely rediculous and out of hand. Remember when we were kids and how we would bring those cheesy little valentines to school and exchange with our friends. Sometimes we would get really lucky and there would be a piece of candy stuck on it. That was the best. Receiving just a small little piece of paper would be so rewarding and would make your whole day.

Now it has gotten to the point where it is almost expected to spend tons of money on your significant other whether it may be on jewlry or flowers or clothes. What the hell ever happened to the good old fashioned box of chocolates??? The whole meaning of this day has been again successfully changed into this material situation. It doesn't matter the meaning behind the gift, but the gift itself.

I have always thought of Valentines Day as being a day that we should show our appreciation for that special someone. Can we only do that by showering them with material objects? Now, I may seem cheap, but I much rather make a gift for my sweetie or have something made for me rather than buy something at the store that has no meaning or relivence behind it. What better way to say "I love you" than to take the time and creativity to make something for your loved one.

One year I made my ex a scrap book from the time we met until the day we got married. It was full of pictures, ticket stubs, letters, and little "love coupons" that I had made. He loved it and it was much more personal than me going out and buying him a new shirt. Today would have been our 5 year anniversary. Guess the scrap book wasn't all the great after all. Crazy stuff, huh?

I just hate the thought of my children not being able to get the same feeling for holidays as I got when I was younger. The meaning behind them are slowly starting to wither away with every passing year. At exactly what point did we become such a shallow and selfish society.

I apologize for raining on anyones parade today, but I am just not in the whole v-day spirit. Who knows, maybe next year. This is the 4th Valentines Day I have gotten to spend alone and not because I don't have anyone. It just kind of sucks, ya know. So, for what it is worth my fellow diarylanders, Happy f*$%#@& Valentines Day! XOXO

Peace Out!


.: 10:31 a.m. :.
.: February 14, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
