
.: Rice Bowl :.


.: today :: all entries :: email me :: love notes::me :.


.: Pu Pu Platter :.


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.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: Nose Woes :.

First and formost, I would like to thank Clarity25 for adding me to her favorites. Muchos Gracias, Chica!!!

Ahhh, another day on the job. This was the longest day ever, and it was only 6 hours, but it lasted an eternity. You know what really pisses me off? I hate when you ask a customer "Hi! How are you today?" and they attack you with, "I don't need any help!!!" What the fuck?! All I asked was how are you, who the hell said I wanted to help you? Bastards.

So, I had to take out my nose ring and put in this retainer. So far their have been pluses and negatives with this whole situation. Plus #1 - I think that it has healed better since I took the cheap silver thing out and put the plastic in, cause the damn bump is finally gone. Plus #2 - I can keep my piercing and my job. You can't tell its pierced unless you are all up in my shit. Now, Neg.#1 - You can't see it! What the hell did I get pierced for if I can't even enjoy it! I practically live at work, so when can I put the other one in??? Neg.#2 - Why and the hell did they have to make the post so damn long? When I laugh or smile, the damn thing pops out of my nose! Not to mention the fact that I can feel the post on the other side of my nostril. Ouch! Neg.#3 - When you get close enough to see it, I look like I have some crazy growth on my nose. I just don't get the reason why people would find this offensive in the first place to where I would need to take it out. Its not like it is a ring or some crazy spike or anything. What if it were part of my culture? Wouldn't that be concidered discrimination? Ok, so maybe I am a little white girl, but still...

You know something I love? Old people. They are just too funny, and half the time they don't even realize how cooky they sound. This old guy comes in to work today and as assumed, I greet him. What a mistake. This guy goes on to tell me for 30min. how I have to step outside of the box and be different and something about snowshoes for Vancouver. I have no fucking idea. All the guys just stood around laughing that I was stuck with the weirdo. Thanks guys! I'll remember that. Anyway, he told me about some crazy book I need to rent at the library and how I should fly out to Las Vegas (since it would only cost me $200 round trip), but not actually go to Vegas. I should drive to LA and take a boat to Catalina. What the fuck are you smoking, grandpa? This guy made no sense what so ever. I'm still confused....

So, I am debating cutting my hair right before the wedding. I know, I know. But I can always use one of those crazy fake hair things, right? I just saw a really cute cut and I am totally craving the change. Someone talk me out of it, and fast. Usually when I get a craving, I have to have it to make it go away. Its like having an itch and not scratching it. Must be my obsessive compulsive disorder acting up.

Welp, I should hit the sack. Why do people say that? I have no sack to hit. My sack is in a million miles away in a different country. So I guess I'll go to bed instead.

Peace out, my hommies.



.: 9:22 p.m. :.
.: February 24, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
