
.: Rice Bowl :.


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.: Fall is in the Air :.

It's way too early for me to be up. Hell, it's still dark outside...

For some strange reason I thought last night that it would be a good idea if I got up early today. This way I could get some things accomplished before I had to go to work. So far, all I have done is had my cup of coffee. I must have been really motivated last night because it was my intention to start working out this morning. Ha! Well, I'll start slow. First my fingers. Maybe tomorrow I can move on to my whole arm...

On another note...

Don't you love the fall (well, those of you that have seasons)?? There is something in the air that just gives me that warm fuzzy nostalgic feeling. Autumn always takes me back to when I was a little girl, getting up early for school, the smell of dads aftershave as he gives me a kiss goodbye, waiting for the bus with my mom. Although school sucks when you are that age, it was a great feeling. That crisp air on your still tired face. Ahh, to be a child again. Things always seem to be more vivid when you are a child. I miss that.

I guess that as we get older, we get caught up in the hustle & bustle of this thing we call "life". We aren't as observant as we use to be. We miss the little things that earlier we would have held on to and relished. What is it that makes us unable to just stop and take it all in?

I often wonder if I would go back and do it all again if I had the chance. For many obvious reasons, I would not. But if you had the opportunity to take with you what you know as an adult, would you do it? Relive the simple and pure moments. Get back the imagination and determination of a child???

I know, I am rambling, but these are the things I think about before 7am. Well, not in so much depth, but you know....

Well, I think I am actually going to try to attempt working out a bit. I need to get off my lazy ass and be productive.

Have a peachy day, y'all!


.: 6:36 a.m. :.
.: September 08, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
