
.: Rice Bowl :.


.: today :: all entries :: email me :: love notes::me :.


.: Pu Pu Platter :.


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.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: The Boredom Is Killing Me!!!!!!! :.

You know, it is rather hard to keep my spirits up when I am so damn poor...

I just realized, after both of our checks combined this week, we still are $100 short on rent. This sucks.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have to live from paycheck to paycheck. Worry free... Ugh, that is a nice fantasy.... and unfortunately, that is all it is. A fantasy.

The tension in the house lately has been horrible. We never fight, but something yesterday just set us both off. I think we were both just due for a meltdown after all of the drama lately. We made up though, and of course everything is better than usual between us. I just hate being so irritable and edgy all the time. I need some drugs....

I think I am going to have to take that other job. Woek has been so slow lately, that we aren't able to make ends meet anymore. That is the big downfall of this job, your pay is a gamble and I am definitly not a gambler. If you don't sell a car, you don't get paid. And lately, it isn't even the lack of motivation that is making me fall short. We haven't had anyone in here for the past month. Maybe I should throw on a bikini and jump up and down out front of the dealership...

This is going to be the longest day. I think I should take the other job just so I don't have to work weekends anymore. I miss my saturdays off. Who knows, maybe I will regain some of my sanity back.

Speaking of... lately I don't know what is going on in my brain, but I have been at a total loss for words. I have these brain farts every 10-20 seconds and it makes me feel like a moron. Just yesterday, I couldn't remember the word glove compartment. The more I searched for the word, the more aggrivated I got and couldn't think of it. I think my job is making me stupider. Either that or I need a brain transplant. Do they do those????

Well, I'm going to go smoke, just to waste some time. The excitement today is killing me.


.: 10:56 a.m. :.
.: September 11, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
