
.: Rice Bowl :.


.: today :: all entries :: email me :: love notes::me :.


.: Pu Pu Platter :.


.: photogs :: 176 things about me :: MySpace::Reviews:: design:: pattern:: d*land:.

.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: Undeserving???? :.

You know, I woke up perfectly fine, but now am so totally annoyed after reading a few "choice" diaries. You know, I'm not going to waste the time going into it because they aren't worth it apparently. However, I will say that I can't stand people who are fake. The people who talk shit behind peoples back and then smile at them in passing. The people who make themselves feel better by chopping others down. The people who are living these lives that they are ashamed of, yet feel the need to point the finger at others. Its sad, and you all know who you are.

Sorry, just a quick vent....

In other news....

The new job that has been thrown in my lap is really great. For now anyway. This is really the type of job that I need to be doing. I am overly organized and love to do paperwork. What is wrong with me??? Its a tough job, but I feel honored that they belived in me enough to offer me the opportunity. When my GM presented me with this, he said that ever since he met me he had a "master plan" to get me in as the business manager. He said that he knew that the possition was perfect for me.

Its funny how you can work somewhere and bust your ass (EVERYDAY!!!) and never think anyone notices. I guess they did...

I am an extremely hard worker, when I want to be I will add. Some jobs are just harder to stay motivated at than others. But when I am doing something I enjoy, I give it my all.

Some people don't think I deserved the position. Well why the fuck not? I work just as hard, if not harder at times. And the people out there that claim its because of my appearance or that I am a woman... fuck you. Do you know how much of a slap in the face that is. Basically you are saying that I am not qualified and undeserving. And I guess someone like you is, right?

Wow, where is the anger coming from? People just piss me off. I hate how people just can't be happy for others.

Ever since I was a little girl, things have followed this similar path. Every time that something good would happen in my life, it would be followed by something bad. Its as if people were always trying to knock the wind out of my sails. And as I sit here today and think about it, it makes me cry. Why do people have to treat me like this? Am I that bad of a person? Do I not deserve to have a little bit of peace and joy, even just for one day?

Alright, before this gets fugly, I'm gonna go...


.: 9:40 a.m. :.
.: October 06, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
