
.: Rice Bowl :.


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.: Friday :.

Do you remember when you use to look forward to Fridays? Maybe you still do... But in the world of "me", Fridays have got to be the most depressing. Lets see, Friday means...

Payday- I always thought that payday meant that it was the day I got my paycheck and got "paid". I could go out after work and do all of those things I had wanted to do all week (shopping, partying, eating out, etc.). However, it does fit its name, but it doesn't quite mean what I thought it use to mean. To me, payday is pay the bills day, pay everyone I owe money to day, pay everyone else so they can enjoy a little bit of my hard earned cash day. Everyone but me that is.

Weekend- I remember when Friday use to be the beginning of the weekend. Usually it was the day that a party would fall on, or you would go out to a bar or club. You would stay up late, live it up with all your friends. I have no weekend anymore. I can't go get smashed or stay out until all hours of the wee morning because I have to work on Saturday. All day long!

A few reasons I hate friday...

F- fight my way through bank lines
R- render all my earnings to bills
I- irs takes my money for taxes
D- dodge drunk people on my way home from work through the college town
A- act like a babysitter at work when I could be at home cleaning
Y- yawn, suck it up, sleep, and do it all over again on Saturday.

Why can't it be mandatory that everyone has to have at least 2 consecutive days off in a row. Think how it would help morale and performance.

Can you tell I am in a mood this morning??? It sucks knowing that I am going to go to work, sit behind a desk from 12 to 9, do nothing - when I could be home doing something productive. Then, I get paid, only to have to turn over every single penny of my paycheck to rent, utilities, debtors, etc.

I wonder if I stayed in bed all day if anyone would notice???

Ugh, I have to go. This sucks ass.


.: 9:54 a.m. :.
.: October 22, 2004 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
