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.: For Fallmode :.

This one is going out to you, fallmode! I know how it is when all you have to look forward to is updates. Hope this keeps you busy for a little while. Enjoy!

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 38462 times on bzoink!

What is your favorite..
gumanything that brings me back to my youth like big red, bubble yum, or juicy fruit.
restaurantThe Melting Pot. I looooove fondue!
drinkStarbuckys Chai Latte. MMmmmmm.....
seasonFall or Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.
type of weathermid 70's. Hawaii weather.
emotionGiddy and hyper. I love getting in that goofy mood where you can do anything and not feel stupid.
thing to do on a half daygo on a picnic or nice drive through the woods.
late-night activitythere may be kiddies reading this...
sportthat would have to be the football. E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!!!
cityColorado Springs
storeAbercrombie for clothes and Pier One for everything else
When was the last time you..
crieda few nights ago when we watched Armageddon
played a sportdoes sex count???
laughedtoday, with chcadee
hugged someonetoday at work, Bobby suprise visited me. I gave him a big ol' hug.
kissed someonetoday before he went back to work.
felt depressedi can't remember. I felt some anxiety this weekend over bills, but not really depressed.
felt elatedi get bursts of elation every day when i first see Bobby after a few hours of being apart. I know, I have it bad.
felt overworkedI haven't been overworked all month. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing though.
faked sicka long time ago...
liedi can't remember. I'm having brain farts right now... BRAIN FARTS Shannon, not BRIAN FARTS. LOL
What was the last..
word you saidMm hmm.
thing you ateA ritz cracker stick.
song you listened toSome weird shit on xm.
thing you dranka rootbeer with lunch.
place you went tothat would have to be work, and i am still here.
movie you sawthe life of david gail
movie you rentedthe life of david gail
concert you attendedwe went to a festival in hawaii before i left and collective soul was there, but i don't think i have been to a concert, concert since then.
Who was the last person you..
cried overBobby
danced withBobby
shared a secret withShan
had a sleepover withBobby, but I live with him so I'm not sure that he would count.
calledMy mommy
went to a movie withBobby
were angry withSome guy that called my house today and told my niece that he was my secret friend that I met at a bar. I have no "secret" friends.
couldn't take your eyes off ofBobby
obsessed overthe weird guy who called me. I hate when I can't figure out who someone is. I think someone is jerkin' my gerkin'.
Have you ever..
danced in the rainI've played in the rain, but never danced. I must put that on my to do list.
kissed someoneuh, yes.
done drugsguilty
drank alcoholsure
slept aroundcollege days, ah i was a stupid, stupid girl....
partied 'til the sun came upthat would have to be the good old marine corp days. Man those boys can party.
had a movie marathonEvery night is a movie marathon when you don't have cable...
gone too far on a dareNever. I'm a good girl...now.
spun until you were immensely dizzya few months ago in a chair here at work, I spun till I thought I was going to puke.
taken a survey quite like this beforelast week or so....

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.: 6:04 p.m. :.
.: January 24, 2005 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
