
.: Rice Bowl :.


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.: Pu Pu Platter :.


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.: Pixie's Pals :.



.: Back in the saddle.... :.

Where ever do I begin....

As I was telling one of my dear d-land pals, I have been suffering from a sever case of "what the hell am I going to write about" the past few weeks. As I hit the "add an entry" link and that little white box appears, my mind goes blank. The blinking cursor makes me nervous as I search for words in my frazzled brain. I have come to the conclusion that I will just go for the gusto and start writing. So, excuse me if I ramble, but I need to get out of this rut somehow.

Here goes......

I guess I will start with the thing that has been looming through my mind for the past few days. As you are all aware, I was planning on a big move this summer. Well it seems that it has fallen through yet again. This time I am not disappointed though. Its as if the gods are smiling down on us for a change.

On Saturday my hubby was offered a position with (try to follow this) my sisters new boyfriends audio visual company. Got that? Now, he has no experience in this field what so ever, but the boyfriend thinks that is a perk for training him the way he should be trained. The kicker? By December he will be salaried at $135K a year. So, we are staying for the money. And we have decided that it is time to make our first big purchase as a married couple. This weekend pixie-grl will be house hunting.

Speaking of big purchases....

I stumbbled accross a new car as well last week. I can now been seen cruising the streets in my new pearl white Audi A4 Quattro. I love my car!!!!!!!!! I can't express enough exactly how much I love my car, but I love my car! It is, as my wanna be ghetto husband would say, "the hotness". Pictures will most definately be posted as soon as my new camera gets here.

In other news.....

It only took me 3 weeks to kick that bugger of a cold that I had. You want to know what cured it too, go figure, was the $4 bottle of vitamin c that I overdosed on. Doctors suck.

Well, I also decided to stand up for myself here at work and request I have a little more time to spend with my family. Suprisingly, they agreed and I had my first Saturday off last weekend. It was great. I slept til 2, got my nails done since I felt like being a girl, bar-b-qued, got dranked, and got to have the following day off as well. It was such a nice change. Now I am cursing the nails I had put on since it is really affecting my typing. Why do we do such things to ourselves, ladies?????

Ok, well I should probably get back to work. My head has really been in my ass the past few weeks and I need to regroup and get my shit together. I'm getting a little annoyed with all the "bashing" from the management lately..... Oh well.....


.: 11:44 a.m. :.
.: April 05, 2005 :.


.: yin :: yang :.
